Good Candidates for Hair Transplant Surgery

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You may need hair transplant surgery if you’re suffering from hair loss and looking for a permanent solution for your balding. But how do you know if you are a good candidate for hair transplant surgery

In this blog post, we will answer your questions and help you decide whether you’re an ideal candidate for a hair transplant in Iran.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant involves implanting hair follicles that are extracted from one part of your body to the balding area.

There are several available hair transplant techniques in Iran, and you may be a suitable candidate for either of these methods based on your specific medical conditions.

Am I a Good Candidate for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant surgery can be a life-changing choice for those who suffer from hair loss. 

Several factors determine whether you are a good candidate for hair transplant surgery or not. 

Some of the main standards are:

The Pattern of Your Hair Loss

Hair transplant surgery works best for those with a stable and predictable pattern of hair loss, such as male or female baldness. If your hair loss is diffuse, unpredictable, or caused by a medical condition, you may not benefit from hair transplant surgery.

The Health and Number of Your Donor Hair

Hair transplant surgery depends on the healthy and sufficient hair follicles from the donor area.  If you have a low density, fine texture, or light color of your donor hair, you may not achieve the desired results from hair transplant surgery. You also need to have enough donor hair to cover the balding area without compromising the appearance of the donor site.

Your Age

Hair transplant surgery is not recommended for people who are too young or old. Younger patients may not have a clear pattern of hair loss and may continue to lose hair after the surgery. Older patients may have a lower quality of donor hair and a slower healing process. Therefore, your age plays a crucial role when assessing whether you’re a good candidate for hair transplant.

Opting for a hair transplant with the best hair transplant surgeons in Iran can optimize the final surgical results and lean toward more aesthetical results. They evaluate your hair transplant candidacy and suggest the best method based on your condition.

Who Is the Best Candidate for FUE?

FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant method utilizing a small punch device to extract hair follicles from the donor area.
The best candidates for this minimally invasive method are those who:

  • Have a mild to moderate degree of hair loss
  • Prefer a shorter or buzzed hairstyle
  • Want to avoid a linear scar on the back of the head
  • Have a limited donor area or a tight scalp
  • Plan to have smaller or fewer sessions of hair transplant

Who Is the Best Candidate for FUT?

FUT is a traditional method that removes a strip of skin from the back of the head and dissecting it into individual hair follicles.
The best candidates for FUT are those who:

  • Have a moderate to severe degree of hair loss
  • Prefer a longer hairstyle 
  • Want to achieve a higher density of hair in one session
  • Have a good quality and quantity of donor’s hair
  • Have a flexible and elastic scalp
    Good Candidate for Hair Transplant

      Who Are Not Suitable Candidates for Hair Transplant?

      Every plastic surgery in Iran has some safety protocols. Some people may not benefit from hair transplant surgery. If you have any of the symptoms below, you may not be a good candidate for eyebrow transplant or hair transplant, and you should consult a professional surgeon.

      • Hair transplant surgery may not be able to cover the diffuse or extensive pattern of hair loss or may result in an unnatural appearance. If you suffer from the mentioned issues, consider other treatments, such as medications, low-level laser therapy, or scalp micropigmentation.
      • Transplant surgery with poor quality or quantity of donor hair may result in a low hair density. Considering other sources of donor hair, such as body hair, or opting for hair systems or wigs is a good alternative for those with these medical conditions.
      • Active infections or inflammations of the scalp may interfere with the healing process and the growth of the transplanted hair.  
      • Uncontrolled medical conditions affect your general health and ability to tolerate the surgery. Some of the medical conditions are diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, etc.

      Note that some of the above conditions are quite similar when it comes other transplant approaches such as facial hair transplant in Iran.

      High-Quality Hair Transplant in Iran With LyaMed

      If you are looking for a reliable and affordable company to plan your hair or eyebrow transplant in Iran, you may consider LyaMed. We are a leading medical tourism company in Iran and help you plan your trip and arrange your medical procedure in Iran with ease and comfort.


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